
Sluňákov – Center for ecological activities of the city of Olomouc, o.p.s.

Skrbeňská 669/70

Horka nad Moravou, 783 35

Company registration number: 27784525

Tax identification number: CZ27784525

account number: 2581594001/5500

Data Box ID: mvqa6g2



phone: +420 585 378 345




How to get there?

Take bus no. 18 or 20 from the Tržnice or Náměstí Hrdinů stops in Olomouc. Get off, at “Horka” (BUS no. 20) or “Horka, škola” (BUS no. 18) stops in Horka nad Moravou. Sluňákov is on the right-hand side of the road to Skrbeň at the very end of Horka. If it’s not too wet outside, you can get off at “Horka, škola” and walk along the path to the right behind the houses.

You can also go by train and get off at “Horka nad Moravou” stop (request stop).