Our mission and history

Sluňákov is a community interest company offering experience and knowledge developing a respectful attitude of people to nature and themselves.

Our mission

Sluňákov was founded and developed mainly thanks to the support of the Statutory City of Olomouc since 1992. Nowadays, it offers its activities for schools, teachers, families with children and general public in a modern low-energy house on the edge of the protected landscape area Litovelské Pomoraví in Horka nad Moravou. The house is surrounded by a unique open-air gallery named Litovelské Pomoraví House of Nature, where the visitors and participants of the programs can experience unusual stories when visiting the bottomland landscape.


The idea of Sluňákov and its activities are related to the effort of deepening the close connection between people and nature and the landscape, in which they live. The meaning of this activity is that people are natural beings, that are an inherent part of the living world and are connected by a fragile entanglement of relations with everything that forms them.


Michal Bartoš, Director

Milestones of our history


The first year of the Olomouc Ecological Days festival (the festival still exists in harmony with the works of Zdeněk Neubauer, Václav Bělohradský, Stanislav Komárek and others).



Launching the regular Ecological Evenings for the general public (lasting until today)


The beginning of conceptual activities of environmental education for schools


Planting of the Veenendaal alley funded by donations and planted with the help of the people of Veenendaal, Netherlands, the partner town of the city of Olomouc 


The completion and filling of the pond Rozvišť together with the implementation of the system of pools


The start of the construction of the low-energy house              


The establishment of the community interest company Sluňákov with the support of SMO, Petr Loyka, Miroslav Petřík and others.


The beginning of the activities in the new low-energy house (awarded with the Grand Prix for Architecture)


Intensive preparations of the project of the Litovelské Pomoraví House of Nature in cooperation with Agency for protection of the nature and landscape of the Czech Republic and the Statutory City of Olomouc.


The opening of the Litovelské Pomoraví House of Nature – the visitor center of the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area


The construction of four exhibits - historical clay furnaces for bronze, iron, ceramics and bread
